August 2011

Carbon tax: Get the white elephant out of room!

This is a continuation of the article, ” Carbon tax:  Three Choices.” So, I’ve concluded a carbon tax is – in my opinion – appropriate.  And, that’s the easy part.  The hard part is determining how to invest the tax money collected.  Where does the money go? Under the current carbon tax proposal, the government […]

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What’s bothering you about the carbon tax?

Is it the same thing that’s bothering me? Taking the carbon tax at face value it all appears to make sense.  You pollute, you pay.  Pretty simple.  And, the money collected from the tax is used to clean up the pollution and develop/promote clean energy technologies. Move away from burning fossil fuels and onto cleaner […]

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US Property Market … how’s it going?

Overall, I really don’t know. I’ve got rental properties in Florida.  They’re all happily rented and the cash flow is very strong.  But, I owe very little money on these properties.  From what I gather in the news media, this is not the case for most US homeowners. I’m in the process of buying another […]

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Carbon Tax: Three Choices?

The carbon tax.  Where to start?  What to make of it? Well, I’ve been looking into this thorny issue to see if I can come to my own conclusion.  For or against? I have reached a decision.  But, before I share it with you, let me take you through my thought process.  How I arrived […]

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