February 2014

How do you achieve success?

Good question. And, I can almost hear your response coming through the broadband cable … And, just what do you mean by success? What’s your definition? Is what you call success, what I call it? And, success in what?  Property investing only?  Or in other areas as well? Well, I have an answer that transends […]

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Which is Better … Shares or Property?

Shares (stocks) or property … which is better? That’s been a loaded question for as long as there’s been shares and property.  So, we’re talking … a long time! Now, that we’ve got the question out in the open, let’s look at it.  Let’s analyze it, let’s see if we can do something with it. […]

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Don’t buy that house!

“Oh, you don’t want to buy that home.  It’s in a low lying area and is subject to flooding.  And, it’s got a lot of other problems.  Stay away from that one.”  The agent explained to me as if she’d written it down word for word. We’d just driven by the house and I mentioned […]

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What causes capital growth?

Capital growth.  What is it?  What causes it? What is it? Captial growth essentially means “increase in value.”  So, for a property to achieve capital growth, it must be worth more today than it was yesterday.  Or, it’s worth more today than it was ten years ago.  Bottom line, the asset increased in value.  Therefore, if you sold […]

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Wish you bought more properties 10 years ago?

I do! But, if you’re like me, there’s no going back in time.  I haven’t figured out how to do it … time travel that is.  How do you dial the clock back 10 years and say, “Sorry, I made a mistake, I will buy that property after all?” If anyone out there knows how […]

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