Red Tape

Ohio State West Campus Nature

The Green New Deal: How much will it cost? And, my top 5 reasons to like it.

Before sharing my top 5 reasons to like the Green New Deal, I want to discuss the cost of this proposal. There’s seems to be some confusion, not sure why … The exact cost of the ‘Green New Deal’ is known. It’s not a mystery. It’s not complicated, no need for higher order differential equations, […]

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Hawaii false missile attack warning … how’s that work?

The false missile attack warning message sent out recently in Hawaii caused a big kerfuffle. As it should. But the question on everyone’s mind is, “How could this happen?” Well, I’ll state upfront, I don’t know. I wasn’t there, I don’t know their procedures, I’m not familiar with their training program. Then why am I […]

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Big government must lord over private business, else society would collapse … or would it? (Big Government by Mark T on flickr)

What’s so bad about government control of business?

What’s so bad about government control of business? Glad you asked. Good question. How do I answer in less than five hundred pages? Going to be tricky, but I’ll give it a go. By the way, government control of business has a name. That’s right, there’s a name for it, it’s already been labeled. It’s […]

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corporate tax

Why is Corporate Tax the Enemy of the Worker?

Why is corporate tax the enemy of the worker? Let me begin my explanation by making a bold statement … corporations don’t pay tax, never have, and never will. Don’t like it? Doesn’t matter. That’s the way it is. No different than gravity, it’s the way it is. You want gravity to lift things up in […]

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The California solution – we ain’t paying!

The California legislators have come up with the most elegant solution.   I call it “The California Solution.”  It’s brilliant. Solution to what? You see, California has a problem.  Apparently the state legislators and many of the residents are not happy with the way the federal government in Washington is spending/controlling their hard earned tax […]

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