Investor Philosophy

Property Crash? What can we learn from the sea captain?

Property crash – what’s that? Never heard of such a thing.  Especially not here in Australia. But, lately, it’s the talk of the town.  The hottest topic.  Is the Australian property market headed for a US style crash? Well, let me state right up front – I have no idea! Does anyone know?  I doubt […]

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Which is Better … Shares or Property?

Shares (stocks) or property … which is better? That’s been a loaded question for as long as there’s been shares and property.  So, we’re talking … a long time! Now, that we’ve got the question out in the open, let’s look at it.  Let’s analyze it, let’s see if we can do something with it. […]

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When’s the best time to borrow money?

Is there a best time to borrow money? Well, according to George H. Ross, author of the book, Trump Strategies for Real Estate: Billionaire Lessons for the Small Investor, there is. And, of course – as usual – the answer is obvious. We all know the answer.  We all knew it before he ever wrote […]

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How is Property investment like Tennis?

How do you get good at tennis?  Basketball?  Cooking?  Sewing? Or, anything for that matter? Is it by reading? Yes, reading helps. But, if you read extensively about tennis yet never picked up a racket and never hit a ball, how good would you be?  Do you think you could beat someone who’s been playing […]

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Who tells builders, developers and speculators when to stop?

Just who tells builders, developers and speculators when to stop; when to stop building, developing and speculating? I found the answer to this question while reading a great book on property.  It’s a classic. It’s titled, The Wealth Power of Property. Not a lot of hype.  Not a lot of show off.  Not a lot […]

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