

Hawaii false missile attack warning … how’s that work?

The false missile attack warning message sent out recently in Hawaii caused a big kerfuffle. As it should. But the question on everyone’s mind is, “How could this happen?” Well, I’ll state upfront, I don’t know. I wasn’t there, I don’t know their procedures, I’m not familiar with their training program. Then why am I […]

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What do the troops expect of their leaders?

Back in April 1988, I attended a Non-commissioned officer (NCO) Appointment Ceremony on Buckley Air National Guard Base, near Denver, Colorado.  Enlisted troops were making the transition from senior airman to buck sergeant – newly minted NCOs. I had a special role in the ceremony.  I was asked to be the guest speaker.  I accepted. […]

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Are you ready for battle?

I’m re-reading the book, Battleship at War, by Ivan Musicant.  It’s the story of the battleship Washington during World War Two. One particular episode in this amazing story is the change from a peacetime footing to a wartime footing.  It happened pretty quickly and quite by accident.  But, it was a necessary change that probably […]

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