Vendor Finance

Rent to Own … How much are the repayments?

And, now for the third most popular rent-to-own question. I’ve already written about the top two – 1.  Rent to Own, how does that work? and 2. How much is the deposit? Finally, we’re tackling the number 3 question, “”How much are the repayments?” Starting Point I feel, the best way to understand how to […]

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Rent-to-own … How much is the deposit?

Another popular Rent-to-Own question is this – “How much is the deposit?”  That’s one of the first things prospective buyers want to know. Well, let’s start by giving the standard answer as follows: Generally, under a rent-to-own, the deposit runs from 2-5% of the selling price. This answer comes from the research I’ve done.  Is […]

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Rent to Own … how does that work?

Ok, rent to own, sounds straight forward.  You rent the house then buy it.  But, what about all the details in between?  What is this magical stuff that happens between the renting and the owning?  What’s the “glue” that holds this whole thing together.  And, hence the usual question, “How does it work?” Well, once […]

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