Sharing Ideas


How do you make a promo video for your book.

Not sure of the best way, but here’s what I did. I’m in the marketing phase of my latest book and discovered a few things about making a promo video that you may find helpful for your book marketing efforts. First of all, here’s the promo video I created. Before I share how I made […]

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How to Write a ‘Good’ Book – 4 ‘Easy’ Steps

Note:  This article is a bit of a milestone celebration -finishing my latest book, The Adventures of an Air Force Medic. As such, I’m having some fun writing about the process, talking about how it’s easy.  But – here’s the truth – it’s been a long slog … it’s taken me over two years to write. […]

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How to get a good lawyer for FREE

I stumbled upon a way to get a good lawyer for free.  Yes, it’s true.  I got a good lawyer to work for me and I didn’t pay a cent. How did I do it? Easy, I had someone else pay. Who? Another good question and I’ll explain by telling the story of how I […]

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How do you get started in guest blogging …

I’m not sure of the best way or the proper way but last week I got started in guest blogging by emailing a bunch of potential websites and one of them got back with me and said, “Send articles.” So, I sent an article. And, they published it. I was happy.  My guest blogging career […]

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Why does the government want to kill jobs?

The government claims they want to create jobs.  They scream it out from the mountain tops, “We want more jobs!”  They even get up on their tippy toes, hold the bullhorn up high, and bellow out, “We not only want jobs, but we want high paying jobs!” So, if this is what the government says, […]

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