
corporate tax

Why is Corporate Tax the Enemy of the Worker?

Why is corporate tax the enemy of the worker? Let me begin my explanation by making a bold statement … corporations don’t pay tax, never have, and never will. Don’t like it? Doesn’t matter. That’s the way it is. No different than gravity, it’s the way it is. You want gravity to lift things up in […]

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The California solution – we ain’t paying!

The California legislators have come up with the most elegant solution.   I call it “The California Solution.”  It’s brilliant. Solution to what? You see, California has a problem.  Apparently the state legislators and many of the residents are not happy with the way the federal government in Washington is spending/controlling their hard earned tax […]

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A sure fire way to end wasteful government spending!

Yes, there’s one sure fire way to end wasteful government spending.  It’s a proven recipe.  It works.  It’s easy.  It’s simple.  It’s a no-brainer. Here’s how … Take away their money! I guarantee you, there’s no way the government can carry on wasting hard earned taxpayer money if they don’t have any money.  Can’t be […]

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Why does the government want to kill jobs?

The government claims they want to create jobs.  They scream it out from the mountain tops, “We want more jobs!”  They even get up on their tippy toes, hold the bullhorn up high, and bellow out, “We not only want jobs, but we want high paying jobs!” So, if this is what the government says, […]

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What did Frederick Douglass teach me about income tax?

Why do you and I pay income tax? I’ve heard some people answer this question by saying things like, “How we gonna pay for the roads?  How do you think we pay for all the social services?  Who’s gonna mow the lawn at the governor’s mansion?  You think someone’s gonna do that for free? Come […]

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