Have you started your DIY Career?


He’s one for ya … a do-it-yourself (DIY) career.

I can almost hear what you’re thinking … “A DIY career?  What’s he going on-about this time …?”

Well, let me tell you …

While doing research on creating an e-book, I came across a very interesting example.  It was an ebook explaining how to put together an ebook.  It also explained other very important concepts about making money online, but I was mainly interested in the ebook part.

As I kept referring back to this e- book to get some ideas on presentation and layout, something happened.  I started reading the content.  Very much the same way I start reading books as I move them from one bookshelf to the other.  When I should be moving books, I find myself sitting quietly reading some riveting chapter in a book I thought was long lost.

So, while referring back and forth to this great ebook, I caught a few reads.  Then a few more, until finally – as with any good book –  I became hooked.

“This is great information!  This is easy to read and understand!  This is concise not over-worded.    This guy is amazing and he’s priced his book amazingly low.”  I screamed silently to myself.

How low?

How about zero?

The book is free!

The book details are as follows:

Title:  18 Months, 2 Blogs, six figure income

Author:  Corbett Barr

Website:  corbettbar.com

The chapter I want to focus on today is the DIY career.  Let’s me share with you a few insights taken from this chapter of the book:

  • Relying on permission from other people to build your career is so last century.
  • I don’t have to rely on anyone to give me opportunities or give me permission to do something.
  • Compensation based on facetime, employment practices that favor seniority over competence and hard work, and distribution models based on physical media and backroom deals instead of fair artist compensation and consumer preference are all dying.
  • I’m truly my own boss in the purest sense of the word.  Well, my wife might say otherwise, but you get my meaning.

How does he make these claims?  (Does anyone doubt that his wife is the boss??!!!)

What gives him the authority?

He’s done it.  He’s doing it.  If you want to know how, just read his e-book.

Have you started your DIY career yet?

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