How do you achieve success?


Good question.

And, I can almost hear your response coming through the broadband cable …

  • And, just what do you mean by success?
  • What’s your definition?
  • Is what you call success, what I call it?
  • And, success in what?  Property investing only?  Or in other areas as well?

Well, I have an answer that transends all these questions.

Again, I can almost hear your line of questioning continue …

  • Does it answer success for property investors?  (Yes.)
  • So, it can be applied to property investing, right?  (Yes.)
  • Can it be applied across a wide swath of areas?  (Yes.)
  • What are the limitations of this answer you have for me?  (None.)

And, now, I can clearly see you standing akimbo (hands on hips, elbows out) saying to me …

“Ok, show me what you got!”

Well, here’s what I found.

I came across an answer to this “success” question that takes away all my excuses.

The answer let’s me define success; let’s me decide.

And that’s good news and bad news.

First, the good news.  I decide.

Now, for the bad news.  I decide!

You see, it’s the same old story, the same old song and dance.

Success is an inside job.

Doesn’t matter if I like it or not.  That appears to be what it is.

Doesn’t matter if I agree with it or not, it appears to be the universal truth.

I can buck it, I can kick it, I can disagree with it, I can disbelieve it.  But, I feel, to do so would only break me.  The truth doesn’t budge.  The truth doesn’t care what I believe.  The truth is just that … the truth.  Immovable.

So, I’ll stop bucking it, stop denying it, stop ignoring it.

And, for me to achieve success, I’ll need a bunch more “stops”  as follows:

  • Stop looking to others
  • Stop thinking money equals success.
  • Stop waiting to be “discovered.”
  • Stop believing success is out there somewhere.
  • Stop saying “someday”

And, I’ll need to create a list of STARTS as follows:

  • Start taking action, now.
  • Start believing in my success in my chosen area.
  • Start being thankful for everyday I’m alive and can make a positive difference.
  • Start taking responsibility for my success.
  • Start using my talents, my strengths, my special skills, to make great, wonderful, meaningful, uplifting things happen in the world.

Now, may I share the answer with you?   The one that’s got me a bit fired up (can you tell?)

It’s in a quote I discovered from a very unlikely source.  A person I admire, but never thought would give such wisdom-full advice.  Maybe there’s more to this person than I realized; maybe more than what comes across on the media.

Click here to read “A Formula for Success …

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