How do you get your “creative” on in the Alice?


Street Musicians “Hey, Dave, you play guitar right?”  Asked Andrew.

“Yeah.”  I replied,

Andrew continued, “Are you playing tonight?”

“Yup.  I wrote my name up on the board.  I’m gonna do this thing.”  I said with a bit of pride in my voice.

Andrew continued, “Well, I know a violin player who’s looking for a guitar player.  I’ll introduce you.”

And then he disappeared into the crowd.

I stood there wondering where this was going …

It’s a Monday night at the Todd Tavern.  About, 8pm and the place is crawling with “creative” characters.  Musicians and music fans revelling in the supportive, upbeat, “can-do” spirit permeating the room.  Monday night at the Todd Tavern is  special.  You see, it’s a time set asside for musicians and music fans to come together and jam.  Come together and put on your “creativity cap.”  Have a go.  Get up on stage and do your thing.  And, such a platform allows for some very interesting and fun combinations.  I was about to experience this first hand!

“So, you’re a guitar player.”  She asked.

“Yeah, that’s right.  I’m playing tonight.  Got my name up on the board.”  I replied to the long haired young lady as I wondered where this was leading.  It didn’t take long for me to find out.

“Well, I play the violin.  Would you mind if I accompanied you during your  performance?”  She asked and I gulped.

I had to think fast.  What do I say?  How do I respond?  I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but how is she going to play along with me?  She didn’t even know the songs.  How could she?  Two of them are originals!

But, as I looked at her I could see the determination.  The creative spirit.  I thought, if she’s game enough to ask, I’m game enough to accept.  The creative spirit won out.  The creative  mood took control.  Creativity won out over convention.

And, so I answered, “Why not?”

Her name was Gabrielle and she made a very clever suggestion, “Why don’t we get our instruments and let me hear your songs so we have a little preparation before we go on-stage.”

All I could think of was, “Why didn’t I thing of that?”

So, we met up in the Todd  Tavern back room area and started playing.  She was  an accomplished violin player and easily followed my songs adding a beautiful accompanyment.  I started to really feel a lot better and gain a lot more confidence about our upcoming performance.

Gabrielle  and I returned to the main area soaking up the “creative” rich atmosphere and getting to know each other a little better.  I found out she is originally from Quebec Canada.  Speaks French – of course.  And, is traveling around Australia during her “gap year” before heading off to University back in Quebec in September.

Then came the call.  The call to come up on stage and play.

I found a comfortable chair.  Gabrielle stood  up with her violin.  I looked out to the always receptive audience and smiled.  “Hello, I’m Dave and this is Gabrielle from Canada.”

We hadn’t even played a note and the audience cheered their approval for Gabrielle, the girl from Canada about to play violin for them.  The message was clear.  The audience was telling us, “Thanks  for having a go.  Thanks for getting up and sharing your creative spirit with us.  We’re with you.  Let’s go!”

I strummed the first chord and then listened as Gabrielle worked  here violin magic – elevating  the song to a  new  deminsion as she gently ran the bow up and down the strings.

We finished song number 3  to enthusiastic audience applause.  I gave Gabrielle a “high five” as  we left the stage.

What a great  evening.  The creative juices were flowing.  The atmosphere alive with enthusiasm, zest for living.  Not your average workplace environment.  Not your normal everyday experience.

How do you get your “creative” on in the Alice?

Easy.  Check out the Monday night jam session at the Todd.  But, beware.  Exciting things can happen!  Your creative spirit will be awakened!


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