How would your story be different?


What a different story men would have to tell if only they would adopt a definite purpose, and stand by that purpose until it had time to become an all-consuming obsession!

Napolean Hill from the book Think and Grow Rich

I’m reading the book again.  For the fourth time.  This quote is from chapter 1 titled, “Thoughts are Things.”  And, it got me thinking; thinking hard.

Looking back on my life I see times when I had a definite purpose.  But!

That awful word “BUT.”  The “but word” got me.  Or should I say, I let the “but word” get me.

I let obstacles stop me.  I let the negative input of others slow me down, wear on me, stop my forward motion.

I had the definate purpose but I was missing the other part.  The part where I “stand by that purpose until it had time to become an all-consuming obsession.”  I never got to that part.

I let the dream stealers get to me.  I let them stop me before I could reach that white hot passion required for any successful long term endeavor.

But, that was before.  I’ve changed.  Now that I’m older, I’m a lot less suseptible to the negative inputs.  I hear them, but they don’t have as much power anymore.  They don’t have the control they once did.  I no longer give them the power I once did.

Oh, how my story would have been different had I adopted a definite purpose and then backed it up with a driving obsession.

By the way, one of my passions, my definite purpose at one time was to become a professional ice hockey player.  I loved the game and I was quite good at it.  But, I let the dream stealers get to me.  I let my obsession for the game wane.  I’m not sure I’ve ever really gotten over it …

But, there’s still time.  I can still do it.  There’s always time to set new goals, new sights – a new definite purpose.  Then go after it with everything I’ve got.  Why not?  Why not get in the game and play hard?  Why not pick a game and then play it like your life depended on it?  Sounds like a great way to live.  Passionate about something; driven about something; excited about something.

Beats the alternative.

Beats the boring – none purpose driven – life I used to lead when I had a JOB.  Course that was my choice.  But, it’s a classic example of a bad choice.  I chose to be a cow; feeding from the trough.  Show up for work every day, do what the boss told me to do – no matter how meaningless an un-useful –  get paid, go home and feel miserable because I wasn’t pursuing my passions.

I was hitched to somebody else’s wagon, not my own.  I was being carted around.  Helping someone else achieve their dreams and goals; their definite purpose.  Not exciting and not fulfilling.

How would your story be different?  Are you developing a white hot passion for your definate purpose?

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