I remember Hervey Bay when it was a sleepy little town!


I’ll bet 20 years ago, people described Hervey Bay as a sleepy little town.  Just a guess.

And, I’ll bet there are people today who would describe it the same way!  Just another guess.

Does that mean Hervey Bay hasn’t grown in 20 years?

I don’t think so!  It’s grown a lot!

Then how can people describe Hervey Bay as a sleepy little town today if it’s much bigger than it was 20 years ago?


For instance, I would describe Hervey Bay as a sleepy little town.  Why?  Because I see it for what it will become in the next 20 years!

When I drive down the Esplinade and see blocks of vacant land for sale, I see opportunity.  Try driving down the Esplinade in Darwin and look for vacant blocks … won’t find any.  All gone.

Granted, Darwin is a capital city and its Esplanade is much shorter, but I’ll bet there are people in Darwin today who remember when there were vacant blocks available.  And, they were cheap … compared to prices now!

Today in Hervey Bay you can pick up a 1000 square metre block of residential land on the Esplinade for around $500,000.  You may have to pay a bit more, or you may be able to pay less.  All depends on size location, shape and seller’s motivation.  If the land comes with some kind of commercial zoning, then expect the price to go up.

I wonder what these blocks were going for 20 years ago?

No matter what the price, I’ll bet the locals said something like this … ‘Who in their right mind would pay that much for land in Hervey Bay?’

Now, these same folks are probably saying … ‘Gee, shoulda picked up a couple of those beachside blocks when they were cheap!’

Just seeing vacant blocks along the Esplinade, tells me Hervey Bay is still a sleepy town.  It hasn’t been discovered yet.  There’s still opportunity to get in on the ground floor.  Still a chance to get in before the place gets “discovered.”

Wonder what people moving to Hervey Bay now will be saying 20 years from now?

Maybe something like this …

“I remember when Hervey Bay was a sleepy little town!”

And, something like this …

“I remember when you could pick up a 1000 square meter block of land on the Esplinade for only $500,000!  Those were the days!”

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