The official guide to success …

Tom Hopkins ... success.

Do you want success?

I do.

Well, I have some good news for you today.  You can have it.  I can have it.  We all can.

Why am I so sure?  Why am I so confident about achieving  success?

Easy.  Tom Hopkins told me.

Who’s Tom Hopkins?

He’s the author of the book, The Official Guide to Success.I found it on my shelf recently and decided to read it.  Sure glad I did.

Tom convinced me I can achieve success.


Need a working Definition:

Well, first of all, he defined it.  That’s always a good start.

And, I needed a new definition of success.  I had one but it wasn’t working.

You see, my definition was not holding up.  I thought success was achieving goals.  It thought it was acquiring lots of money.  I thought it was winning.

I was so glad to discover Tom’s definition is different.  His definition works for me.

It works for two reasons.  First, I believe it.  I agree with it.  It makes sense.  And, it lines up with my real world experience.  So, from a believablility standpoint, I was sold.

Next, it’s achievable.  Under my definition, success is so elusive; virtually unobtainable.  You see, most every time I reached a goal, it just didn’t feel like success.  The victory wasn’t as sweet as the struggle.  Many times the victory left me feeling empty.  I couldn’t figure out why.

Why is my definition so off the mark?

Because, I looked at  success as achievement.  I looked at it as a parking spot.  A place.  An event.  And, that’s where it all goes wrong.

Tom corrected me.  Got me on the right path.

He gave a new definition as follows:

Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined, worthwhile goals.

Yes, to be successful – according to this definition – you must have goals, but you don’t have to achieve them.  I  didn’t know that.  I thought success meant you had to achieve your goals.  No achievement, no success.  And, no success, must mean failure.  I was wrong.  Very wrong.

Under my definition, I was constrained.  I limited myself.  I was a afraid of failure.  After all, what if I struggled and struggled and never achieved my goal?  I’d be a failure right?  Under my definition, success means reaching the goal.  So, it was safer for me not to set goals; safer to just float through life.  Safer to just be satisfied wandering aimlessly under whatever wind happens to blow upon my sails.

New Definition Creates a Problem …

But, there’s a problem.

Armed with my new definition, I’ll probably be a lot more focused.  I’ll probably believe in and enjoy what I’m working on.  No longer just working on what others want, but working on what I want.  My goals.  My dreams.

Armed with this new definition of success – my new outlook – I’ll probably have to deal with a new problem.

And, just what is this new problem?

HITTING MY GOALS!  Achieving them!  Making them happen!

After all, if you show me a person who’s focused, continuously working on a worthwhile goal or dream and I’ll show you someone who’s probably going to achieve it!

And, that’s a problem.

And, why is achieving my goals and dreams a problem?

Because, once I hit the goal, I’m out of the success zone.  Remember, my new definition of success implies action.  Not standing around admiring the result.

How do I fix this problem?

That’s right, I need to set and start working on new goals; fast!  Otherwise, I’m back to drifting.

And, that’s one of the hazards of following this definition of success, be ready for some amazing results!  Be ready to achieve some amazing goals.  Be ready to win.

But, also, be ready to set new goals and start working on them.  Quickly.  Because, once you achieve the goal or win the prize, you have a problem.  A big problem.

Again – according to my new adopted definition – once I achieve my goals, I’m back to square one.  If I don’t set another goal and start working on it, my success evaporates.  Remember, if I’m not on a continuous journey to achieve a predetermined worthwhile goal, then I’m not successful.  I’m just floating.  I’m drifting.  And, therefore I lose my success.  It evaporates.  I can’t hold it.  I can’t store it.  I can’t bottle it and then drink it later.

So, why do I believe so strongly that everyone can achieve success?

I believe it because anyone can do the required steps.  There’s nothing in the definition that keeps anyone out; it’s all inclusive.  Everyone is eligible; everyone is qualified; everyone can do what’s required.  The only question is will they; will I; will you?

Let’s break down the definition so we can see just how simple it is.

Predetermined Goals:

First, Tom’s definition talks about predetermined, worthwhile goals.

Well, what does predetermined mean?

Knowing it ahead of time.

What the best way to show you know something ahead of time?

That’s right … Write it down!  Write it on a piece of paper or type it in your computer.  Doesn’t matter.  But, you must have it written somewhere prior to achieving the goal.  After all, it’s no good to achieve something then write down the goal.  That’s hindsight.  And, hindsight is not usually helpful because what good is it to look in the rear view window when you’re trying go forward?

Let me ask you a question, “Can you write you’re goals down on a piece of paper?”  Is there anything stopping you from doing that?

Of course not.  I can do it too.  Therefore,  I can carry out this part of the success definition.  There’s nothing stopping me.  So far so good?

Worthwhile Goals:

Next, he talks about worthwhile goals.  What does worthwhile mean?

To me, it means adding value.  Something that benefits not just me but others as well.  Something that promotes goodwill and harmony.  Something that brings joy into the world.  Something that helps people enjoy life more.

So, my success depends on coming up with worthwhile goals.  I won’t try to cheat the system by coming up with useless, meaningless, empty goals.  It won’t work.  I’ll  just cheat yourself out of success.  After all, how good would I feel about getting up every day and working on a useless, no-value adding goal?  No, my goals must be worthwhile in order to meet the definition and get the result I’m looking for.

Can you think of any worthwhile goals?

What goals would you have if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Why not go after them?

Can you write them down on paper or type into the computer?

Success come from pursuing these worthwhile goals on a continuous basis.  That’s it.  That’s all that’s required.

We’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Is there anything stopping you from choosing worthwhile goals?

Absolutely not.  Therefore this part of the definition is also within your grasp; within my grasp.

Now, let’s talk  about “continuous journey towards the achievement …”

Continuous Journey towards the achievement … :

What’s a journey?  It’s implies movement of some kind.  It implies traveling from point A to point B.  It suggests the process that takes place between the start and end of some event.

How about continuous, what does that mean?  It means “prolonged without interruption.”  In other words, success involves working on your worthwhile goals for what could be a long time at regular intervals.  Sustained effort and focus over a long period.

Finally, let’s look at the phrase “towards the achievement.”  It means you’re working on your goals.  You’re focused.  You’re in the moment.  You’re successful when you’re working on your worthwhile goals.

So, our definition tells  us success comes from being in the hunt.  You’re successful when you’re hunting, not when you catch your pray.  Once you catch your pray success ends.  Yes, you can celebrate, you can take a rest, you can reflect on the  achievement.  But, if you want to get back to “success” you need to strap on your boots, get your bow and arrow and get back in the hunt.

So, is there anything stopping me or you from working on our written, worthwhile goals on a continuous day in and day out basis?

I can think of only one thing stopping me – excuses.  Do I want to let excuses stand between  me and success?  No, way.  So, I’ve got to eliminate my excuses.  I can have success or I can have my excuses, but I can’t have both.

I prefer success.  How about you?

Success … Why not me?  Why not you?

So, I have all the necessary requirements to achieve success.  All I need to do is come up with my favorite worthwhile goals, then write them down, then go to work on achieving them.  That’s it.  That’s all there is  too it.

What’s stopping me?

The only thing stopping me  is me.  I need to get out of my own way.

Yes, I’m like most people; I have doubts.

I start out by asking “Why?”

Why set goals?  Why write them down?  Why make them worthwhile?  Why work on them every day?

And then I ask … Why not?

Why not write them down?  Why not make them worth while?  Why not work on them continuously?

And, finally, I ask … Why not me?

Get up every day excited about working on my goals and dreams  – why not me?

Get the great feeling of knowing I’m working on something worthwile – why not me?

Get passionate about using my special skills and talents to make a positive difference in the world – why not me?

Success … why not me?  Why not you?

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