Where’s Atlantis?


Plato ponders the Legend of Atlantis

Wish I knew.

What an amazing story!  The story of an advanced ancient civilization destroyed in the blink of an eye.

But how?

What happened?

And, just where did this mysterious civilization exist?

Many theories abound.

We only know of the lost civilization because Plato told us about it in his writings.  Even when Plato wrote about it, the story was old; very old.  Even to the ancient Greeks, the story of the lost civilization of Atlantis was way, way back in time.

I’m fascinated by the mystery of Atlantis.  The attraction has caught me.  I’m hooked.  I want to know.  I want to go out searching for it.


I don’t know, but I’ve caught the bug.

But, I probably won’t venture out on an expedition anytime soon.  Until then, I’ll research what others have found.

So, a month or so ago while standing in the bookstore, I spotted the title, The Lost Empire of Atlantis.The book cover stared up at me and practically yelled out, “Buy me!”

So I did.

I’m now reading this fascinating book.  The author, Gavin Menzies, feels he’s uncovered the mystery.  The mystery of the lost city of Atlantis.  He feels he’s discovered where it is (was) and what happened.  I’m up to chapter 5 and really enjoying the read.

I’m looking forward to finishing the story and learning everything Gavin has to tell me about this amazing mystery.

Has Gavin solved the riddle of Atlantis?

You may want to read the book and discover for yourself.

Ok, got to get back to reading, chapter 5 “The ancient scholars speak.”

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