writing books


How do you create fiction from your real life story?

Not sure of the best way, but here’s how I did it. My book, Dreams of the Philippines: Escape from Clark Air Base, is fiction but based on a trip I took to the Philippines as a young air force lieutenant way back in 1989. Here’s the promo video I made for the book. The […]

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How Stephen King Solved my Plot Problem

I’m in the throes of writing my fourth book. It’s fiction but based on a trip I took to the Philippines way back in 1989 while a junior officer in the US Air Force. I have a bunch of stories I want to share but here’s the rub … how do I connect them? How […]

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Kindle-ebook 5 Star Final

Book Cover Design … How do you do it?

I’ve stumbled across a way to design an excellent book cover.  As such I thought I’d share my discovery with others who may be looking for a way to get a quality book cover at a reasonable price. Here’s a shot of truth.  You’re going to have to pay a price to get a quality […]

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