
Big government must lord over private business, else society would collapse … or would it? (Big Government by Mark T on flickr)

What’s so bad about government control of business?

What’s so bad about government control of business? Glad you asked. Good question. How do I answer in less than five hundred pages? Going to be tricky, but I’ll give it a go. By the way, government control of business has a name. That’s right, there’s a name for it, it’s already been labeled. It’s […]

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How to get a good lawyer for FREE

I stumbled upon a way to get a good lawyer for free.  Yes, it’s true.  I got a good lawyer to work for me and I didn’t pay a cent. How did I do it? Easy, I had someone else pay. Who? Another good question and I’ll explain by telling the story of how I […]

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