Have You Got a New Year’s Challenge?


I received New Year’s Challenge from Steve McKnight at propertyinvesting.com.  It’s good.  I’d like to share it with you …

Hi Dave,

It’s traditional at this time of year to think about setting goals and

identifying changes you’d like make in your life over the year ahead.
So, with this in mind, here are four indelible truths to help you
radically improve your personal life and financial wealth throughout
Truth #1
Change – While You Can!
We’ve all made seemingly sincere resolutions on New Year’s Eve, only
to break them within minutes, hours or days thereafter. Why do we do
The answer is that, at the time of making the resolutions we think
they’re promises, when in actual fact they’re wishes
A promise is a commitment, and by it’s nature it’s not an easy thing
to keep. It requires sacrifice. It requires work. On the other hand, a
wish is something where we want the benefit without having to do much,
if any, of the the work fairly needed to acquire it.
And here’s the truth… when it becomes apparent that the reward won’t
come as easily as you wished (that is, you once again couldn’t get the
reward without first doing the hard work), you’ll give up because you
never really wanted it badly enough in the first place.
Why is it then that every so often a resolution which starts out like
a wish manages to evolve into a promise, and thereafter into a
positive life change? The answer is because, for that person, in that
circumstance, the pain associated with taking action towards the
desired outcome was less than the pain associated with doing nothing.
In other words, the level of pain needed to change became greater than
the level of pain associated with doing nothing
. This is a phenomenon
that is the exact opposite to the way most people live their lives,
most of the time.
For instance, if I told you that you had to lose five kilos in a month
or you’d die, then now the pain associated with failure is enough to
motivate you to say no to the unnecessary Tim Tam.
So here’s the lesson: if you want 2011 to be a year when you finally
stop talking and actually take action towards goals you’ve always
wanted, stop wishing and start identifying the painful consequences of
doing nothing.
Truth #2
Input Equals Output
Newton’s law of motion says that for every action, there is an equal
and opposite reaction. The bible says, as you sow, so shall you reap.
Commonsense says that you don’t get something for nothing.
It’s reasonable then to expect that you have to contribute the effort
first, and only then can you get the benefit
. Too often we have it the
wrong way around – we want the reward first, and then we’ll do the
hard work second.
For example, people often say they would work harder if they were paid
more, when, in fact, first comes the hard work, then comes the higher
Do you want to be able to find the truly great deals? Are juiciest and
most profitable opportunities? They’re there for sure, and in 2011, a
handful of investors will make a fortune while the majority wish for
better luck. No one is going to gift you great deals… it’s up to you
to work hard to find them.
Where are you cheating in life, expecting a full time outcome but only
contributing a part time effort? Your marriage? Your family? Your
money? How’s that working for you? When will you change?
Truth #3
Do It Now
I don’t like the word ‘potential’, because in my mind is speaks of
unused talent. In many ways, a person’s potential reflects their
What would you rather someone say about you? “He has so much
potential”, or, “She did far more than I thought her capable?”
How much potential sits untapped in your life? How much of it has gone
stale and has turned to regret or wasted opportunity?
Carpe diem my friend – seize the day! Take action. Do something. Don’t
let 2011 be a year of potential… work hard and make it a year of
Make a list of ten the things you want to promise (not wish) to get
done in 2011 – big and small, it doesn’t matter. Look at this list
every morning, and, as you achieve something, add another item to the
Come December 2011, you’ll be amazed at how much you’ve achieved.
Truth #4
Generosity Is Infectious
The best way to get what you want is to first plant the seeds of it in
someone else’s life
. Want to be happier? First make others happy. What
to be wealthy? Help others make wealth. Want more friends? First be a
better friend to others.
With this in mind, I have a challenge for you that will ensure 2011 is
among your most prosperous years ever. What is it? Well, be more
generous than you every have been before, and just watch how much
generosity you receive in return.
No I’m not talking about giving all your money away… I’m talking
about taking advantage of the opportunities that appear almost daily
to bless others. It might be a kind word, or a kind gesture.
If you take advantage of these, soon you will prove true the law that
says: in order to have abundance, you must first be abundant to
And there you have it… four indelible truths that, if followed, are
certain to positively transform you life in 2011, and beyond.
On behalf of the team at PropertyInvesting.com, Happy New Year! We
hope 2011 is a year a financial and personal prosperity, and good
health too.
God bless.
– Steve McKnight
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  1. Great advice! Getting what you want is sometimes hard work but it is usually worth the efforts you put in.

    1. Thanks.  I enjoyed learning from Steve as well and thought others would too!

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