How do you get inflation to work for you?


I mostly hear people talk about inflation as a bad thing.  Rarely do I hear people say they’re excited about it.

But, I came across an article that puts a different twist on the word inflation.  The article talks about how inflation can be a good thing.  How it can be used to make you wealthy.

I like the sound of that.  And, I like the author … Robert Kiyosaki.  Robert has a gift for putting ideas in simple to understand language.  Easy to grasp.  Many others out there seem to thrive on making things complicated.  Robert is not one of them.

His discussion about inflation is simple.  If you swap dollars for hours (e.g. a job) you’re in trouble.  Inflation will eat you alive.  But, if you sell products (e.g. commodities, property, etc) inflation can be your friend.

Anyway, I’ll step out of the way and  let you  read the article for yourself.  Get it straight from the man himself,  Robert Kiyosaki.

How I use inflation to get richer.


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