Investor Philosophy

How is Property Investing like Farming?

Let me confess upfront … I don’t know much about farming.  I don’t know the details, but I feel comfortable with the general concept.  And, that should get me through this discussion.  But, you be the judge. I do know a bit about property investing.  Not that I’m an expert.  But, I’ve been doing it […]

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2 Minutes with Warren Buffett

These are uncertain times. At least that’s what I’m hearing in the news and in the property circles. Enter Warren Buffett Let’s imagine for a moment, we could get Warren Buffett’s attention for about 2 minutes. For some reason he’s agreed to a short interview. We want to get his insights. His views on all […]

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Follow the money; find the bias …

I’ve got several books on the boil right now; reading different ideas about property investing and finding out there’s some wide varying advice. So, why all the variation? Why does one guy say “Do this!” and the next guy says “Don’t do it!”? What’s the underlying reason? Is it because one guy is more of […]

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Are you a Capital Gain-er or a Cash Flow-er?

I’m re-reading Robert Kiyosaki’s, Conspiracy of the Richand the whole book can be summed up in two words – “CASH FLOW.” This is no trivial concept.  And, I’m glad he keeps writing about it.  I need to be reminded again and again.  I need to have this concept reinforced and inculcated into my brain. You […]

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How do you get inflation to work for you?

I mostly hear people talk about inflation as a bad thing.  Rarely do I hear people say they’re excited about it. But, I came across an article that puts a different twist on the word inflation.  The article talks about how inflation can be a good thing.  How it can be used to make you […]

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