The Green New Deal: How much will it cost? And, my top 5 reasons to like it.

Cost of the Green New Deal? Hint: It’s not a money question. (Photo, Dan Keck, Flickr)

Before sharing my top 5 reasons to like the Green New Deal, I want to discuss the cost of this proposal. There’s seems to be some confusion, not sure why …

The exact cost of the ‘Green New Deal’ is known. It’s not a mystery. It’s not complicated, no need for higher order differential equations, no need for supercomputers. It’s right out there in the open for all to see. But, I sense many people are stuck. They seem to be struggling. I’m surprised. After all, the people discussing it have plenty of life experience, appear sufficiently educated and I figure they must have read the Green New Deal proposal, so what’s the problem? Why all the debate, the cost is known.

OK, I’ll go ahead and state the obvious. I’ll tell you exactly how much the Green New Deal will cost. Ready? Here goes …

The Green New Deal will cost, (drum roll please … )


Yes, in order to get the Green New Deal, all you and I have to do is give up our individual freedom and hand it over to an all-powerful central government. You see, the truth of the Green New Deal is essentially this … government takeover. The United States will become just another nation where, ‘the politicians rule and the people drool.’

Free stuff for all … ?

Who knows, some folks may think it’s great having a small group of ‘know-it-all’ elites take over their lives. Some folks may believe the empty and deceitful political promises, ‘Free stuff for all and make the greedy rich people pay for it.’ Not sure why, because these same folks will probably be the ones who suffer most under this new ‘we-own-you’ government. Yes, I’ll admit, the Green New Deal sounds good, but therein lies the trap. Therein lies the bait. Bite it and the ‘we-know-better-than-you’ political elites will snap the rod back and sink the hidden metal hook deep into your throat.

No Escape …

Once the people are conned and the trap is sprung, it’s too late. I can hear the complaints now, ‘Well, no one said anything about giving up my freedom to get it. How come nobody told me? All they told me was I’d get free stuff and the dirty, rotten, rich, greedy, dirt-bags would pay for it.’ But, unfortunately, once power is concentrated in the hands of the ruling elite, it’s lights out for individual freedom. There’s no escape. You are now part of the ‘collective’, you become state property, you’re owned.

Tell the truth … never!

Well folks, do your really think they’re going to tell you the truth? How far do you think the Green New Deal would get if the ‘we-know-better-than-you’ political elites told you the real cost? Can you imagine if they put all the cards on the table and spoke truthfully, ‘The Green New Deal requires a small group of special people (e.g. unproductive, non-wealth producing, know-it-all, ruling party, power hungry, political elites) to run your life. And, that makes perfect sense, after all, we’re smarter than you and, of course, we know what’s best for you.’

Hide the real cost.

Yes, the Green New Deal marketers are smart. They’ll never mention the real cost. They know the best way to cover up the truth about the Green New Deal is to keep the cost discussion focused on dollars. As long as the focus is on dollars, they can sell it, ‘Don’t worry, it won’t cost you a thing. We’ll make the greedy rich dirtballs pay for it.’

Say goodbye to freedom …

Once you say ‘Yes!’ to the Green New Deal, you say ‘Yes’ to an all-powerful central government. And here’s where your history reading comes in handy – an all powerful central government, by definition, means saying goodbye to your individual freedoms. You are owned. It’s a simple trade-off. As the government acquires more and more power, the citizens give up more and more freedom. And, here’s the magic trick, the way they slip it past you, the way they deceive you … loss of individual freedom is a hidden ‘feature’ of the Green New Deal, it comes with the package … you get it for free (no pun intended).

But, we already have a powerful central government!

I can hear some people crying out, ‘but we already have a powerful in-your-face central government.’ I agree! You’re right! And now I have to ask, ‘How do you like it?’ If you like it, and you want to concentrate even more power with the central government, then the Green New Deal is for you. Keep in mind, if you think the government is powerful now, wait until you see what you get with the Green New Deal; it’ll make the current government look about as threatening as a pack of Saturday morning fund raising Cub Scouts.

But, let’s say you don’t like it because … the federal government already wields too much power over the people. Then I have a follow-on question, ‘Why would you want to make the inept, incompetent, uncaring and unknowing government even more powerful?’ Because … that’s exactly what the Green New Deal does, it consolidates much more power in the hands of the federal government. The only way the Green New Deal can go forward is if the american people allow the already powerful federal government to grab much more power than they’ve already grabbed. And this is the part of the story that’s missing from the discussion. There seems to be little or no talk about the cost in individual freedom. No talk about the individual freedoms we must forfeit in exchange for the Green New Deal.

The Green New Deal marketers want to keep the discussion focused on dollars; fool the people into thinking it’s just a funding issue. It’s not. It’s got nothing to do with dollars. It has everything to do with your freedom. The real question before us is this, Do you want freedom or do you want the Green New Deal?

Top 5 Reasons to like the Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is a dream if you love big, powerful, controlling government. And I suppose it’s great if you can get a gig as one of the ruling party elites. Finally, it’s the ‘cat’s meow’ for anyone who wants to let the government do all the thinking for them.

And now, here are my top 5 reasons to like the Green New Deal. Feel free to add to it. I’ll bet I missed a few.

  1. If you like living in a nation where the elite, power hungry, lazy, self-serving, do-nothing, produce nothing, take everything, politicians rule and the people drool, you’ll love the Green New Deal.
  2. If you enjoy working your ass off, building a business, taking all the risks, taking all the hits and then having the all-powerful, central government elites tell you how much profit you’re allowed to keep, if any, then The Green New Deal is your baby.
  3. If you enjoy mountains of rules, regulations, taxes, permits, laws, legislation and bureaucracy then you’re gonna love the Green New Deal.
  4. If you like what you see going on in Venezuela right now – total economic meltdown, the result of an all-powerful, ‘we know better than you’ central government – then the Green New Deal is the way to go.
  5. If you like being owned, the Green New Deal is the ticket.

P.S. If you made it this far, then you may want to read the two articles below that further explain this ‘government vs freedom’ concept.

What so bad about government control of business?

Where does fascism belong on the political spectrum?

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