Top 10 Job Mentality Indicators


How do you know you have a JOB mentality?  What are the indicators?

I’m qualified to answer this one.  I had a JOB mentality for years.  I still have remnants of it, even though I no longer have a JOB.  Haven’t had one since July 2009.   I’m looking forward to the day when I’ve erased all traces of a JOB mentality from my mind.  That day can’t come soon enough!

I clung to my JOB like I’d cling to a cliff edge after slipping over the side.  I loved getting the paycheck at regular, sure, defined intervals.  I loved looking at the paycheck after getting a raise; no matter how unsatisfying the amount.  I loved getting a new – more dignified – JOB title.  I’d rattle it off as if I were a Duke from some landed estate.

But, the most embarrassing part of my JOB mentality was the simple fact that I hated my JOB.  I felt it was a total waste of time and energy.  Then why not quit?  And, there’s where the embarrassment comes in. I’ve got no good answer.  None that makes any sense when put under scrutiny.

Just like a recovering alcoholic must admit the problem, I must admit, I was addicted to the paycheck.  I was a paycheck addict.  I had to have it.  I couldn’t imagine life without it.  I was hooked.

Sad, but true.

But, one day, in July 2009, at age 49, I made a decision.  I’d had enough.  I quit my JOB.  I left the JOB world.  No more paychecks.  I was free.  I escaped.

I’ve written an article about my decision to quit and the ensuing consternation it briefly caused at the workplace.  But, I haven’t published it yet.  I’m holding back until a later date.  The story is still a bit too raw and may ruffle a few feathers.  So, I’ll leave it in draft form for now.  But, stay tuned – it’s coming!

So, from personal experience, let me share with you my –

TOP 10 JOB mentality indicators:

10.  You get excited when the boss awards you a new, more important sounding, JOB title.
9.  You get nervous and jealous, when other people start talking about business, risk taking and other – life without a JOB – adventures.
8.  Think the best way to increase your income is to get a second JOB.
7.  Think the path to wealth is by getting higher and higher paying JOBs.
6.  Think your boss cares about your financial future.
5.  Think superannuation and other retirement plans were created for your financial benefit.
4.  When asked what you like best about your JOB, you answer without thinking, “It pays well.”
3.  Look forward to payday so you can buy more stuff.  Stuff you don’t really want, to impress people you don’t really like, with money you don’t really have!  (e.g. Rack up the credit debt)!
2.  Look forward to holidays, weekends and any other time when you’re not at work.

And now, the number one JOB mentality indicator …

1.  Can’t imagine life without a paycheck!

Let me suggest, there’s nothing inherently wrong with a JOB mentality.  But, it’s probably important to know if you have one or not.  That way you can decide the best path for your life.

Are you happy in your JOB?  Do you enjoy – dare I say love – what you do?  Are you confident in your financial future; leaving it to the whims of your company’s solvency and/or retirement plans?  Are you confident you’ll have meaningful, enjoyable work until you decide to retire?  Are you confident the company will continue to employ you?  Will the work you do still be around in 10 years?  Do you get up every morning and say to yourself, “I can’t wait to go to work!  I love my JOB!”

If the answer is “YES” to all of the above, then all’s good.

But, what if it’s not all good?  Then knowing you have a JOB mentality is critical.  Once the problem has been identified, the curing can begin.  The next step is to make a decision; a decision to break free from this limiting, constraining and creativity smashing mindset.

Expanding the mind to include options outside the limiting JOB environment, you can then start to focus on what YOU want out of life.  Not, what the JOB wants.  Not what your BOSS wants.  Not what the COMPANY wants.  But, what do YOU want?  And, then you can begin taking steps to make it happen.

Just ask yourself a question, “If I could make a living doing something I truely enjoyed, something I truly believed in, something I was excited about, something that added value to the world – would I stay in my JOB?”  If the answer is “NO”, then maybe it’s time to start thinking about what that special something is.  Maybe it’s time for a change.

Now, things become simple.  So, simple it goes right past most people.  It went past me for years.  I will reveal the secret, the answer, the way forward.  You’ve heard it before, it’s nothing new.  But, its simplicity is what makes it so complicated.  It’s simplicity makes it so difficult.  So, let me share it with you.

Once you determine your “special something” your passion, your mission; once you’ve figured out what it is …


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