What’s the Cure for JOB Mentality?


Sorry, but I don’t have the complete answer to this hard hitting question.  You see, I’m still in the process of figuring it out; even though I’ve been happily JOBless since July 2009!

But, I can offer some suggestions.  The first step is to decide you want to get rid of this limiting mindset.  You must decide you want to be cured.  Otherwise, no need to proceed.

Once you’ve made the decision to change, then the healing can begin.  And, then I can offer some medicine – a prescription – that went a long way to getting me on the road to recovery.

I came across this magic elixir, while rummaging through the military base library at Menwith Hill near Harrogate, England.  I accidentally stumbled onto it.

I worked on the base for 2 years.  I had a JOB.  Although the JOB was relatively interesting and somewhat challenging, I still wanted out.  Way too much red tape and bureaucratic nonsense.  Way too much inefficiency.  A very toxic and creativity crushing environment.  Makes me cringe to think about it now.

But, I should be glad because it made me desperate.  Desperate to find a way out.  I was seriously looking for an escape hatch!

So, I was in the base library looking for something interesting to read.  Something to inspire me; something to broaden my knowledge of the world.  I was looking for my usual favorites, military history or a good biography.  If I could get something that covered both, that was a nice bonus.

In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of VietnamASIDE:  One such book I came across in this library is, “In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam” by Robert S. McNamara.  This book fits my preferred reading profile; military history as told by one of the key players in the tragedy.  Amazing account of his reflections on the Vietnam War.  Basically, the whole book – a huge, 320 page, hard cover – is Mr McNamara explaining away the colossal mistake the US made in Vietnam.  The whole book could be summed up in one sentence as follows:  “The US had no business being in Vietnam.”  Or, “We shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”  Take your pick.

But, on this one particular day, while looking for another good war history or biography, I noticed a book almost hiding in the shelf.  I saw the word JOB and it captured my attention.  Then I reached in and pulled out the book.  It almost felt like I was reaching in a cave trying to catch a frightened squirrel.  But, I got it.  I brought it out into the light.  It wasn’t going to get away.  I captured it.

At first, I couldn’t believe what I was holding.  A book with the most interesting title.  A title that seemed to say it all.  The answer to my question, “What’s the cure for JOB mentality?”  I started reading it.  I must have stood in the isle for 30 minutes reading the book; gulping down its pages.  I felt like I’d found the magic potion; the cure.

I went to the front desk and signed the book out for two weeks.  It was all mine for two weeks.  When I looked at the sign-out history, I could see the book wasn’t in much demand.  Hardly ever checked out.  I wondered why.  Why wouldn’t this book be continuously checked out?  Why wouldn’t this be the most popular book in the library?  I couldn’t understand.  But, I was glad.  It meant, I could probably renew it at the end of two weeks without a problem.  I wanted to devour its contents.  I wanted to read it and re-read it.  I wanted to absorb the knowledge, the thinking, the belief.

The book has made a big difference in my life.  It’s helped me gain more belief.  Belief that there’s life after a JOB.  There’s life without a JOB.  There are lots of people out there already doing it.  People truly enjoying their lives because they’re gainfully and happily self-employed doing what they’re passionate about.

And, now, I’ll share with you the first round of medicine in the cure for JOB mentality.  The medicine comes in the form of a book.  The book is by Barbara J. Winter and is called:

Making a Living without a JOB.

Making a Living Without a Job, revised edition: Winning Ways for Creating Work That You LoveSo, if you’re serious about finding a cure for JOB mentality, I’d recommend reading this book.  It took away all my excuses.  It gave me hope.  It inspired me.  It gave me concrete examples of what to do.  It gave me true life stories about how the author overcame serious obstacles to become a leader among the “joyfully jobless!”  It’s a treasure.

I now have my very own copy of this book and I re-read it from time to time.  It’s sitting in front of me right now.  I always want it to be a part of my active library.  It’s one of my favorite resources.  It’s good medicine for anyone looking to cure a stubborn case of JOB mentality.

Wishing you all the best in your journey to freedom and happiness!

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